41 Sexy Zodiac Sagittarius Tattoos for Women to Savor
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Sagittarius tattoos for women are a popular way to show off their astrological sign. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and covers people born from November 23 through December 21. Sagittarius is represented by a centaur – half human, half horse, sporting a bow and arrow. Sagittarius is also known as the Archer.
You’ll see Sagittarius tattoo designs of centaurs, archers, bows, arrows, Sagittarius constellations, Sagittarius symbols depending on what tattoo design speaks to the individual. Some stylistic impressions reflect a person’s personality. Size and placement should also reflect the owner. A woman wanting something stylish may prefer smaller, minimalist tattoos in discreet locations, like behind the ear or around the ankle. A woman who make a bold statement would go for something larger, in more visible locations, with broad strokes and/or vivid colors. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the fire signs, ruled by passion, action, and freedom. These are possible ideas to incorporate into tattoos.
Sagittarius sign women are the adventurous ones of the zodiac. Their tattoos will often symbolize travel or freedom. The archer tattoo means the person has direction and goals. The archer can be a woman to emphasize the courageous female spirit. (“I am Merida, first-born descendant of Clan DunBroch. And I’ll be shooting for my own hand!”). Another way to modernize the image is to distill it to a bow and arrow, or simply an arrow. These work well for Sagittarius minimalist tattoos, as shown in the following examples. Take a look at these Zodiac Sagittarius tattoos for women and let us know what you think of them in the comment section.
Sagittarius Back Of Neck Tattoos
Many Sagittarian women want their astrological sign tattoos on the back of their neck to give them a feeling of protection. Like an archer that carries her arrows on her back, so follows these bow and arrow tattoo designs for ladies. Match the style of your tattoo to your personality so it has the most meaning for you.
Zodiac Sagittarius Abstract Upper Back Tattoo
For a woman that leans toward the artistic side, this abstract centaur tattoo shows off your sign in style.
Sagittarius Constellation Back of Neck Tattoo
The Sagittarius constellation is both complex and elegant. This zodiac tattoo always keeps you grounded under your celestial star sign.
Sagittarius Bow and Wings Upper Back Tattoo
Spread your wings with this flight inspired Sagittarius bow and arrow tattoo for women.
Sagittarius Arrow Illustrative Back of Neck Tattoo
Love a more dramatic old-style look for your Sagittarius ink? Try this stylish black and gray tattoo on for size.
Sagittarius Bow Back of Neck Tattoo
Celebrate your feminine side with this delicate bow and arrow, back of neck tattoo for ladies. Cupid would be right at home with this romance-inspired bow.
Sagittarius Illustrative Back of Neck Tattoo
Add your unique touch to your zodiac tattoo with an illustrative back of neck tattoo. This fairy inspired archer is perfect for Sagittarius woman who are fierce yet feminine.
Sagittarius Symbol Back of Neck Tattoo
Add your unique touch to your zodiac tattoo with an illustrative back of neck tattoo. This fairy inspired archer is perfect for Sagittarius woman who are fierce yet feminine. Sometimes a simple abstract Sagittarius bow and arrow is the perfect way to show off your sign.
Sagittarius Back Tattoos
Some Sagittarius women prefer to keep the front of their body clear for the conservative society, and get their zodiac tattoos on their back side. If you are in the same position, here are some Sagittarius tattoo ideas to consider.
Sagittarius Illustrative Back Tattoo
Show off your strength and confidence with a dramatic flair with this Sagittarius back tattoo. Yes, you can be every bit the warrior princess depicted by this design.
Sagittarius Arrow Spine Tattoo
A Sagittarius arrow tattoo meaning strength, and an abstract stylish bow make this sophisticated tattoo design.
Sagittarius Constellation and Whale Lower Back Tattoo
A blue whale tattoo, meaning compassion and gentleness, swims under the Sagittarius constellation. A nature inspired, heaven and Earth representation of a birth sign and personality.
Sagittarius Bow and Moon Spine Tattoo
Incorporate your Sagittarius zodiac tattoo of a bow and arrow along with the sun and moon into your astrological spine tattoo. It a uniquely meaningful tattoo,
Sagittarius Bow Geometric Shoulder Blade Tattoo
For women who prefer modern clean lines, this geometric bow tattoo may spark joy for you.
Sagittarius Constellation Shoulder Blade Tattoo
For a more subtle look to your Sagittarius constellation tattoos, leave out the connecting lines. It looks much cleaner and lets you be recognized only by those people who truly know the stars.
Sagittarius Collarbone Tattoos
Sagittarius tattoos for the collarbone give people a peek into the personality within. It's a personal area, near the heart, so it's often a location for meaningful tattoos.
Sagittarius Arrow Line Art Collarbone Tattoo
Keep your Sagittarius tattoo up front where you can show it off when you want. Flash this arrow tattoo when they are acting up and you want them to know that you’re carrying.
Sagittarius Constellation Collarbone Tattoo
When someone asks your zodiac sign, show them this Sagittarius constellation tattoo, and see if they can figure it out on their own. If not, they’re not worth your time.
Sagittarius Bow Collarbone Tattoo
Keep this nature inspired Sagittarius bow and arrow near your heart to protect yourself from enemies.
Sagittarius Arm Tattoos
A woman's arm has many possibilities for Sagittarius tattoos. They can be out front, hidden in the armpit, or anywhere in between. Let your personality be your guide.
Mini Sagittarius Symbol Armpit Tattoo
A small and delicate tattoo for Sagittarius ladies that want discreet ink.
Sagittarius Illustrative Bicep Tattoo
An ultra feminine, long haired female portrait belies this hidden Sagittarius bow and arrow tattoo. To further cement the connection, there is the Sagittarius symbol on the handle of the bow.
Sagittarius Sketchwork Arm Tattoo
Beautifully aligned within the planets is this female Sagittarius archer tattoo.
Sagittarius Constellation and Arrow Upper Arm Tattoo
A black ink Sagittarius arrow is ready to strike from within the star constellation.
Mini Zodiac Sagittarius Centaur Abstract Upper Arm Tattoo
Beyond cute is this mini tattoo for Sagittarius ladies. A hint of the centaur striking into the skies.
Sagittarius Illustrative Upper Arm Tattoo
Here’s a gorgeous Sagittarius tattoo for females that contains multiple symbols. There is the beautiful female form front and center. She holds the Sagittarius bow and transitions into the star constellation. Finally there is an attribution to a birthday, 18th of December.
Sagittarius Forearm Tattoos
Forearm tattoos are gaining popularity as it lies between the overpopulated wrist and the masculine upper arm. It’s a sweet spot for a Sagittarius lady’s tattoo.
Sagittarius Constellation Forearm Tattoo
Always reach for the stars with this Sagittarius constellation tattoo for women. It’s there anytime you need to contemplate life and the stars.
Sagittarius Arrow Forearm Tattoo
A beautiful arrow tattoo to protect yourself throughout the day. To assist the uninitiated, the Sagittarius word is inked above the arrow.
Sagittarius Bow and Arrow Forearm Tattoo
A large illustrative bow and arrow tattoo design, complete with feathers.
Sagittarius Arrow Puzzle Wrist Tattoo
Puzzle piece tattoos are typically paired with another person to form an interlocking bond. Here is the female piece with the Sagittarius symbol on a blue starry sky background.
Zodiac Sagittarius Bow Forearm Tattoo
All cocked and ready to fire is this Sagittarius bow and arrow forearm tattoo. It’s even pointed at you, so you know she means business.
Sagittarius Fine Line Forearm Tatoo
Embrace girl power with a fine line illustrative Sagittarius forearm tattoo. A female centaur is posed atop a red Sagittarius constellation linking the physical world to the stars above.
Sagittarius Wrist Tattoos
Being the zodiac sign for the archer, wrist tattoos are the perfect for Sagittarius females craving a bow and arrow tattoo. Yes, you can now take aim at your favorite arch enemies and fire away with reckless abandon. Sound effects not included, but you'll get the hang of it soon enough.
If you're a proud Sagittarian woman, inking your wrist will also be a frequent reminder of your astrological heritage. You'll see your beautiful tattoo throughout the day when it's on your wrist.
Sagittarius Bow Wrist Tattoo on Dark Skin
A black ink wrist tattoo on dark skin is sometimes harder to see. Use this to your advantage when you want a bow and arrow wrist tattoo that can spring into action at a moment’s notice.
Sagittarius Constellation Wrist Tattoo
A Sagittarius star sign is one of the aesthetically pleasing constellations of the zodiac. Take advantage of this by showcasing your tattoo in a visible location like your wrist.
Zodiac Sagittarius Bow Black and White Wrist Tattoo
There is no concealed carry permit needed with this high contrast, black and white Sagittarius wrist tattoo. Keep your bow and arrow cocked and ready to strike for all to see and fear. Flash your ink and watch them sweat.
Mini Sagittarius Symbol Wrist Tattoo
Short, sweet, and to the point is this mini tattoo for Sagittarius women. It’s simple yet bold in design, and sure to be noticed.
Sagittarius Bow Line Art Wrist Tattoo
With a feminine, geometric, minimalist, line art bow and arrow tattoo on your wrist, no one will suspect the danger they face. Then when they least expect it, bang, it’s all over!
Sagittarius Ankle Tattoos
Sagittarius tattoos on the foot and ankle are typically out of sight and out of mind. You'll always know they are there and can reveal them when the moment is right.
Sagittarius Monmon Cat Ankle Tattoo
This cute monmon calico kitty is both beautiful and deadly. Perhaps that tiny bow and arrow won’t do tremendous physical damage, but the cuteness factor is sure to kill.
Sagittarius Arrow Black Ink Foot Tattoo
For Sagittarius ladies who want to add some punch to their kicks, a bow and arrow tattoo on the foot might do the trick. Now when you kick your enemies the’ll get a poke as well.
Mini Zodiac Sagittarius Symbol Ankle Tattoo
Have a tiny reminder of your birth sign inked on your ankle. This mini tattoo for females is always there to keep you aligned in nature.
Sagittarius Bow Tribal Ankle Tattoo
Hidden in this elegant black and blue tribal tattoo is a Sagittarius bow and arrow. They’ll never know what hit them!
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One Comment
Those larger Sagittarius tattoos are amazing!
I just don’t think I can handle them, I’m getting a smaller one. Thanks!
Those larger Sagittarius tattoos are amazing!
I just don’t think I can handle them, I’m getting a smaller one. Thanks!